
UN authorises sanctions against spoilers of peace in Yemen

The UN has unanimously approved a resolution authorising sanctions against organisations or individuals who pose a threat to peace and security in Yemen, an official statement said.

The British-drafted resolution, issued on Thursday, did not name any groups or individuals, but instead tasked a committee to decide who should face travel bans and assets freeze for an initial period of one year from the date of the adoption of the resolution.

It urged UN member states to freeze without delay all funds owned or controlled, directly or indirectly, by the individuals or entities designated by the Committee.

The report stated that ``Yemen is the poorest country in the Arabian Peninsula. It faces a number of factional power struggles in addition to the southern secessionist movement and the ongoing insurgency by al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).’’

The British Ambassador to UN, Mark Grant, said the resolution demonstrates the international community’s continued support to Yemen’s political transition.

In 2011, protesters forced Ali Saleh to step down after 33 years as president.
The subsequent transitional government, led by Abed  Hadi, had been beset by unrest and political wrangling.

After months of national dialogue focused on crafting a road map for political transition, President Hadi agreed to establish a committee tasked with drafting a constitution.

However, there were fears that remnants of Saleh’s government, who were allegedly connected to security apparatuses, could undermine the political process.

Grant said ``undermining the national dialogue outcomes, including through acts of violence, attacks on central infrastructure or acts of terrorism will not be tolerated.’’

The U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, told the Security Council that the resolution

would ensure better response and in a timely manner to those who seek to derail progress in the Yemeni peace process. (ngrguardiannews)

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