
We’re ready to tolerate Christian courts if… – Muslim group

A group, Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC), has assured that Muslims are prepared to tolerate Christian courts so long as they will serve Christians. 
MURIC stated this in a statement by his Director, Ishaq Akintola, while reacting to a recent demand by the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) at the ongoing National Conference, seeking for the establishment of ecclesiastical courts throughout Nigeria.
According to MURIC, “it is pertinent to note that this is the first time CAN has openly made such demand”. 
“We welcome this demand as it indicates a positive response to requests from the secretariat of the national conference and the call made by President Goodluck Jonathan for all aggrieved and neutral groups to present their cases and requests. 
“The latest submissions by CAN will no doubt move the dialogue machinery forward.
“We of the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) have always asked Christians in the country to tell Nigerians what they wanted instead of always opposing what the Muslims want. 
“It is our belief that if all stakeholders in the Nigerian project openly make their demands, the task of harmonising our interests will become easier. 
“We believe that demands which fall within the fundamental human rights of each group should be granted while no group should stand in the way of another so long as a group’s demand does not encroach on others’ rights.  Source:dailyindependentnig
“All groups should respect the ‘Live and Let Live’ golden rule,” MURIC said.
It, therefore, called on the national conference to approve CAN’s requests.
“We are not unaware the existing courts in the country which use common law are Christian courts. Even British Prime Minister, David Cameron, affirmed last week that Britain is a Christian country.”
The group noted the alleged hostile stand of CAN when Muslims demanded Shariah law and Islamic banking, among others. 
“MURIC appeals to Christians in the country to see their Muslim compatriots as partners in progress. 
“CAN is also advised to change its mindset regarding the national conference as it is obvious that its delegates came to the conference singing war songs. 
“CAN has a perception complex whereas negotiations and dialogues require open-mindedness to succeed,” MURIC counselled

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